He created the first Quebec-made vodka… and it’s the best in the world!
Nicolas Duvernois’ Defining moment
« No is the most dangerous word in the dictionary. So I decided to focus on yes. »
Nicolas Duvernois
Nicolas Duvernois experienced his fair share of failures before he achieved his goal. His first restaurant went bankrupt shortly after opening. The unfortunate experience provided him with one invaluable piece of information: Vodka is a very popular alcohol. Looking around for locally produced vodka, he realized that there weren’t any. So he decided to create the very first Quebec vodka.
Not knowing anything about the liquor industry, he had to familiarize himself with the product. He worked on his offering for a few years—delving into research and development to find an original recipe that worked.
Discover also : Perseverance
As an entrepreneur, he had to create a business plan, look for financing… concepts that he had no prior experience with. By day, he was an entrepreneur in training; by night, he worked shifts as a janitor in a Montreal hospital.
After four years of preparation, he finally produced his first bottle of PUR Vodka.
Although he had to face many refusals and overcome many obstacles, Nicolas Duvernois never stopped believing in his project. “The feeling you get from making your idea come to life and following your dream is so much better than any glass of vodka.”
Want to learn more?
Visit PUR Vodka’s website