After miserable experiences traveling by bus, he decided to make the solution his life project
Louis-Philippe Maurice's Defining Moment
“What it takes to become an entrepreneur is a willingness to change the status quo, to take your business forward and not be afraid to take risks.”
Louis-Philippe Maurice
The first time LP Maurice heard about entrepreneurship was back in high school. Then, a few years later while travelling in Latin America, he realized how difficult it was to book a bus ticket from his smartphone – he thought it would be a great idea to create an online booking site for bus tickets. And this is how Busbud came to be. As he did more travelling, he jotted down ideas about the challenge at hand.
LP Maurice recognizes that bringing together top talent was key to Busbud’s success. His two co-founders brought a lot to the trio, with their complementary skill sets forming the foundation for their success. According to the Montreal entrepreneur, it’s important to recognize your weaknesses and surround yourself with the right partners.
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Busbud has benefited from the help of local contractors. The company took advantage of many resources available to help young entrepreneurs – financial resources, coaching, mentoring... In Quebec, there is a variety of tools available to accelerate a project and make it happen.
LP Maurice admits that when the company was just getting started, the bus industry was completely foreign to him. Nevertheless, he decided to go for it, because for him, the only way to learn is to take risks. Entrepreneurship is not a matter of certainty – like being on the road, what’s important is to move forward!
Want to learn more?
Read LP Maurice's Words of Wisdom on Devenir entrepreneur
Visit Busbud's website