Need advice to approach investors?


Monday, August 6, 2018
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In order to increase your chances of getting financing, certain elements need to be considered before you even start to work on your pitch.

When Mathieu Lachaîne started at Ubios, a young company specializing in residential technology, it was his sixth start-up. A true serial entrepreneur, he believes the first step for any start-up business project involves attracting customers, even before looking for investors. “If a product is clear and interesting enough that customers are ready to commit to it before it’s fully developed, then the company has managed to clarify its place in the market. That’s the moment investors become interested.”

Since investors are in very high demand, Mathieu Lachaîne also recommends that the first investments in your start-up are your own. “By being the first to invest both your time and money in your start-up, you will be included in every stage of the development process. This allows you to understand the value of what you’re creating in the long term, and to be aware of your place in the market, and will make the steps that follow much easier.”

For more information, read the full article on National Bank website.